What is CMD?

CMD stands for Command Prompt. It is used to execute programs and for many other uses such as hacking or programming.

How to access CMD?

There are a few ways to access the CMD. 
  • You could begin by opening the start menu then searching for CMD.
  • You could also type in CMD.exe in the search bar after opening the start menu then just hit enter and it will open.
  • Or you could open up notepad then type in CMD.exe then save as cmd.bat and choose your destination then open it and CMD should open.

How to personalize the CMD

You will need to type in a code for this. This is very simple to do and should be the first step to learning the use of CMD. You will need CMD open in order to personalize it a bit.

Once you have it open then type in this code:
color 0a

That should make the words become a light green, it should look more like a hackers program now so you can look more cooler when doing anything on there.

Changing the 0 makes the background change colors while changing the a makes the words change colors.
Mess with the combinations a bit to get used to this.

Here are the codes for the different colors that are possible:

 0 = Black       8 = Gray
 1 = Blue         9 = Light Blue
 2 = Green      A = Light Green
 3 = Aqua       B = Light Aqua
 4 = Red         C = Light Red
 5 = Purple      D = Light Purple
 6 = Yellow     E = Light Yellow
 7 = White       F = Bright White

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