Learning The Basics

How to Start a Web Page

Many people want to learn how to create their own web pages by using code rather than those little kid sites that make everything for you and make everything boring. The problem with code is that it is much more difficult than people think. Sure people learn some stuff and think it is easy but that is just the basics which I will be teaching you now. The harder stuff makes people get frustrated but it looks much more amazing than the basics. We will get into the more advanced stuff later. For now we will stick just to the basics.

Creating the Web Document

To create a web document you must first have a program called Notepad. Most computers already come with it since it is one of the most basic programs. You can find it by clicking on the start menu then searching up Notepad to quickly find it. Once you find Notepad then open it up. You should see a blank document which you could type in and take notes. Well this is what we are going to use to create the web page.

Go ahead and type anything you want in Notepad. Everything is only going to be shown as basic text with no effect or design at all but this is the first step to creating a web document. After you type something in such as 

"This is my first web document and GiftedTyro is a great teacher"  

Then you need to go into "File" and click on "Save As..."

Once you do that then name the document whatever you want such as "Firstwebpage". However! At the end of that you need to add in ".html" so the name should appear as so: Firstwebpage.html

There is your first web document! Simply double click on the saved file and your web browser should open it up! Please note that you do not have an official web domain just yet since you have to purchase one to own your own domain. But you can always use free site builders and upload your web document on there however whenever you use a free site builder then your domain name will be longer than it should be.


Tags are one of the important parts in programming. Without tags then everything would appear just as plain text with no order at all. In other words it would be all crammed up and not even look like a website. Tags help organize our site so you and other people can easily understand everything. They are basically the beginning of an element such as the title of a site or the body text. Now time to explain the tags and how to use them.

First of all before you even start, we recommend you erase anything you have in you web document or create a new one.

You are going to want to first add the 8 basic tags of html. This is a necessity. You MUST have these 8 tags in every web document you create. It makes everything easier if you place them first before creating anything else.


            <title>  </title>




You will need to add in <html> . It is the opening tag to the web document that states that everything after it is a part of the web document. Without it then everything would be screwed up. To close the web document you will need to put </html> . That tells the document that you are at the end of your web page. You need to close your tags or something will mess up on your site!

Now in between the <html> and </html> is where you will type everything in. It is recommended that you leave a good amount of space in between everything so you don't cramp everything up.

Everything in the <head> tags will not show in the web page. They are hidden and add definition to the page.

The <title> tags are what show in the tabs above which should be underneath the search bar or somewhere on the top of your browser.

The next thing we will add is going to be the body text. The body text is entered in the document by typing <body> then you close the body the same way as you closed the <html> which would be by typing in </body> . Type whatever you want into the body.

When you save it, nothing will change yet. We are still preparing everything.

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